Missionary Beat: March 17, 2014

Around the web today for stories of interest to future missionaries, missionary moms, returned missionaries, member missionaries, and missionaries of every sort and variety.

  • Mark Albright “Finding Investigators in a Chicago Snow Storm”– Two missionaries stand still in a raging Chicago snow storm. What happens next will warm your heart. “[My companion] thought I was crazy and after standing there in the snow for about 30 seconds, we saw a Ford Focus driving slowly up the icy road.  I just knew we had to talk to the person, whoever it was, driving that car.”
  • Mormon.org “Are all Mormons required to serve a mission?” Mormon.org has been out recently with answers to many common questions about the church. This question may be a great read for those considering whether or not to serve. “There is a strong tradition of missionary service in the Church. The Savior taught, ‘Go ye therefore, and teach all nations’ (Matthew 28:19). Church members consider it a privilege to show their love for other people and the Lord by sharing the gospel.” There are also lots of insightful answers from members.
  • Looking for another great example of sharing through serving? Here are a few great examples of  missionaries and member missionaries sharing their testimonies through service. Sanford News “LDS Church fills 150 backpacks for Local Food Program”– “The Sanford Backpack Program services students who are in need. [They] have the opportunity to take home from school a pack of food that will provide nutritious meals and snacks throughout their weekend.” Estevan Lifestyles “Mormons Looking for Ways to Serve”– “Two Mormon missionaries are touting a program offered through the Church of Latter Day Saints (LDS) as a means to help southeast residents who are battling addictions.”
  • Ben P. Wesee “Lawmaker Bids LDS Missionaries Farewell”– A pair of senior missionaries have been working in the West African nation of Liberia, and left with tears and thanks. “Representative Anderson told the departing missionaries that leaving Liberia should not be the end to their good works in the country. He appealed to them to always remember Liberia in their prayers as they return home.”
  • Rebecca Lane “LDS Missionaries Teach Restoration Through Cups Parody”– [Video] This might just be the most inventive way you’ve seen the restoration taught in some time. “Sisters Emily Culp and Lauren Bundy, who are serving in the LDS Nashville Tennessee Mission, uploaded their video to their Facebook walls on Thursday, March 13, using the popular song sung by Anna Kendrick, “Cups,” to teach the principles of the restoration of the gospel.” And for any of the current and returned missionaries out there this should put a smile on your face.
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