Missionary Beat: December 19, 2013

Around the web today for stories of interest to future missionaries, missionary moms, returned missionaries, member missionaries, and missionaries of every sort and variety.

  • Michaela Stephens “The Culture Enoch Preached To” – A strong argument can be made that Enoch was the best missionary ever. This article looks at the approach Enoch took. We might have something to learn from Enoch. “So, Enoch preached to a culture that lied about good and evil, that stole from each other, and that had silenced social reformers, and probably had to be prodded constantly into doing anything resembling duty.”
  • April McMurtrey “The Absolute Best Feature of Your Cell Phone”– One ward united in a unique missionary goal and the results will make you say “Wow!” “But there is a particular feature on your phone, which I believe may also be used for a holy purpose! This feature is something only you will interact with. No one else will know you are accessing it. It is personal. This feature is available on almost ALL cell phones, smart or ‘not’ smart. If this feature were used by church members all over the world, for this special purpose, the success of ‘The Work’ could skyrocket! Would you like to know what this feature is? The alarm.”
  • Laurie Williams Sowby “Making Friends in Sweden– One man has worked his entire life to grow the Church in Sweden. The way he did it is inspiring. “Brother Palm was at the site working on its construction eight years ago when he severed two fingers in a saw accident. Miraculously, despite blood loss and shock, he was able to remain conscious and communicate with the medical-helicopter crew and direct them to his exact location. Now, in typical Hkan Palm form, he jokes that that he is one of few who can count on his fingers the eight words God said to Joseph Smith in the First Vision: ‘Joseph: This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him.’”
  • Jen Koski “We See Others as We Are”– I spent one day purposely thinking something positive I knew about everyone I saw, even strangers. Things like “That’s a son of God,” or “Wow! Look at that person’s eternal potential.” This practice changed my entire perspective. This article teaches how to develop and apply this virtue.
  • Bill “President Anderson’s Letter”– “We decided that we would be creators of circumstance for 30 extra minutes we had. We went straight to the map and chose a street to harvest. Speedily, we got into the car and drove to that spot and knocked. A man let us in . . .” What happens next will make you believe in miracles.
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