What are “hard questions” in Mormonism? These are usually questions relating to Mormon history deliberately framed to shake the weak testimony of both members and investigators of the gospel. Less often, these are doctrinal questions that are difficult to answer. The following is a resource with links to answers for hard questions.
1. The Book of Mormon and DNA proof.
4. The prophecies of Joseph Smith.
5. Can a prophet speculate; does he have to be perfect?
6. Mormon priesthood to men of all races.
7. Mormon women and the priesthood.
9. Mormonism and homosexuality.
10. The Mountain Meadows Massacre.
11. Changes to the Book of Mormon.
12. Different versions of the First Vision.
13. Are there visions in modern times (1 Timothy says no man can see God and live).
14. Do you have to believe in the Trinity to be Christian?
15. Mormons believe they can become gods. More.