Missionary Beat: April 28, 2014

Want the latest news on the world of future missionaries, missionary moms, returned missionaries, member missionaries and missionaries of every sort and variety? Check out our latest Missionary Beat, or search through the older articles.

Missionaries Go Out to Serve in Jacksonville

In Jacksonville, Alabama, missionaries are serving the Lord and the residents there. The article focuses on two sister missionaries and talks about their routine as missionaries.

BYU Athletes Talk about Serving Missions

Athletes at BYU talk about how important serving, or not serving, missions is to them.

“Normon” Behind Blog Site is Receiving Some Attention

A woman who began calling herself a “Normon” is proving that “Mormons” aren’t as weird as others may seem they are.

LDS or “Mormon” Helping Hands Give Service to Support Santa Clarita Schools

Helping Hands, a group of Latter-day Saint service workers came out to support California schools in the Santa Clarita area.

A Funny Observance on The Importance of Inviting People to Go with You to Church

A columnist at the Salt Lake Tribune shares a personal experience of attending a church of a different faith in Utah and hearing what people not current members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are saying about the “Mormon” church.

130 Years Ago The Steamship Nevada brought 416 Mormon Immigrants to America

New York welcomed 416 LDS immigrants to America along with 22 missionaries who served overseas. They state that they converted many in England, but found the Irish were not receptive of the teachings at the time.

Missionaries in Odessa Texas are Given the Spotlight in this Article

Elder Davis and Elder Christensen serving in Odessa, Texas are getting some attention from the locals.

Brave Leukemia Patient Who Wanted to Serve a Mission is Finding God’s Grace in Other Things

Michalla Call, found herself wanting to serve a mission but those plans were changed when she found that she had cancer for the second time. See what her family and members of the church are helping to combat her disease.


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