Missionary Beat: December 10, 2013

Around the web today for stories of interest to future missionaries, missionary moms, returned missionaries, member missionaries, and missionaries of every sort and variety.

  • Sara Katherine Staheli Hanks “No Story But My Own”– The way this woman applied personal revelation in her life will make you stop and think. “Why would God tell me to wait for someone that I wasn’t going to marry? Did I hear God wrong? Did God want me to marry the missionary after all, and are our real-life marriages just second best? (Let me interject here: NO.) . . . I think the answer is this: because the missionary needed to be part of my story. Marrying the missionary wasn’t the story I needed to live, but waiting for him and falling in love with him was. And God told me that. “
  • Marianne Holman “Pres. Monson Teaches Christmas is the Time to Focus on Christ”– As you know, here at Missionary Beat, we think Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel, because there are so many times to share our faith in Jesus Christ. President Monson encourages everyone to hold that focus with them during the Christmas season. “’Christmas is a glorious season of the year,’ President Monson said. ‘It is also a busy time for most of us. It is my hope and prayer that we may we not become so caught up in the pressures of the season that we place our emphasis on the wrong things and miss the simple joys of commemorating the birth of the Holy One of Bethlehem.’”

  • LaughInHalf “LDS Missionary Sees Mom after Two Years” This missionary’s response to seeing his mom for the first time after returning home is absolutely priceless. (It get’s good at the 1:40 mark, but watch the entire thing the anticipation is half the fun.)

  • Travis Turner “Scriptures about Missionary Work”– This collection of missionary scriptures will provide great thoughts to include in letters or packages. The list is great because it includes both verses and longer missionary stories that we sometimes miss while browsing the Topical Guide.
  • Anna Rouche “The Final Stretch– After reading stories like this one, it is easy to see the Lord’s hand in the day to day work of missionaries. “It was raining, cold, and just kind of miserable. . . . After all of our failed attempts, we decided to hop a bus. To go home, instead of taking the bus stop we’ve taken a million times from that neighborhood, I suddenly decided to go to a different bus stop. Same buses, just a different stop. “

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