Missionary Beat: December 13, 2013

Around the web today for stories of interest to future missionaries, missionary moms, returned missionaries, member missionaries, and missionaries of every sort and variety.

  • Jimmy “My First Transfer– This charming story of charity and miscommunication brought a smile to my face. Hint: It involves hot dogs. “Elder Pinto, unlike my first companion, didn’t speak any English. My Spanish was still pretty weak at this point, so it was a tough few weeks we had together . . .”
  • Matt “Cumorah.com Site Revamped” An interesting look at changes at Cumorah.com a great resource for information about LDS Church growth. “We have recently revamped our website to include additional resources such as statistical profiles for each country and a missiology encyclopedia.”

  • Learning Made Easy “Language Learning for Mormon Missionaries” If you or someone you love is leaving on or serving a foreign language speaking mission, here are some useful tips from one man’s first hand experience. “Those were really hard days where I was still new in the mission. I remember dreaming in English at night, and then waking up in the morning and dreading the fact that I had to communicate in Spanish all day long.”
  • Lauren “I thought you were a missionary . . . What are you doing on Facebook?”– This post is a bit old, but answers questions a lot of us have about the role social media will now have in missionary work. It looks at the new approaches some missions are taking, and the rules that may be involved with social media use. Definitely worth a look. “The greatest blessings, is being able to reach out to so many people with one post. I’ve been blessed to achieve about 1,500 pages views on my blog in just a few months. I am so excited, as people keep re-posting and re-sharing. It’s hard when you don’t see responses, or likes, but you know people are reading and sharing. “
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