Missionary Beat: December 16, 2013

Around the web today for stories of interest to future missionaries, missionary moms, returned missionaries, member missionaries, and missionaries of every sort and variety.

  • Emily Steele “The Blessings of Tithing Overpower Poverty– This recent convert’s commitment to tithing will make your jaw drop, “We met with one of our recent converts and she had collected a bunch of her old clothes and was getting ready to go to the market and sell them for 10 baht a piece.”
  • Mormon Movie Guy “Christ-Centered Christmas Movies”– We have so many people in our homes at Christmas, it would be nice to have great Christmas films that help us remember who puts the Christ in Christmas, “Few holiday traditions are as time-honored as grabbing some hot cocoa, lighting a fire, and cuddling up in front of a Christmas movie.”
  • Sarah Jane Weaver “Members Respond After Texas Flood”– Language skills learned as a missionary proved crucial in disaster recovery efforts after the flooding this week in central Texas. “Our response to this natural disaster is centered on our belief in Jesus Christ and in His teachings. Jesus Christ taught that we all have a responsibility to our neighbor. He taught the parable of the Good Samaritan.”
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