Missionary Beat: December 6, 2013

Around the web today for stories of interest to future missionaries, missionary moms, returned missionaries, member missionaries, and missionaries of every sort and variety.

  • Liz Alley “The Christmas Phone Call” – Want to make the most of a Christmas phone call with a missionary? Make sure to check out these tips and ideas. “If you have a missionary, your heart probably swells with anticipation just thinking about that moment. It is a sweet experience. Tender. If this is your first Christmas phone call you might be grateful for a few tips.”

  • Chris Marchand “On a Mission” How have two missionaries reached out to the community in Dryden, Ontario?  “The latest set of Latter Day Saints (LDS) Missionaries to find themselves in Dryden are eager to introduce themselves to the community and lend a hand wherever they may be of use. ‘It’s been a lot of shovelling so far,’ says Elder Matthew Elliott of Manteca, California.”

  • Ashwaq Masoodi “Mormonism: A Fledgling Faith in India”– One man’s story of how he found The church in India touched my heart. Read about how the Church is growing in this amazing land. “The family elders were unable to address the exasperating queries bordering on heresy around the Holy Trinity. ‘My parents told me that he (God) was Holy Father in heaven. He came to the earth as Jesus Christ, and he died and became the Holy Ghost. This didn’t make sense,” recalled Beesa. Little did Beesa know that the real truths about the Godhead were the very foundations of Mormonism. The crisis of faith continued to simmer inside Beesa.”

  • Ted Gibbons “Paul’s Missionary Handbook– Want missionary advice from one of the best missionaries all time? This man compiled some of Paul’s best advice on missionary work from the New Testament. ” No timidity is allowed. We bear the most important message in the universe and we must present it with power and enthusiasm. And we must share it at every opportunity.”

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