Missionary Beat: January 23, 2014

Around the web today for stories of interest to future missionaries, missionary moms, returned missionaries, member missionaries, and missionaries of every sort and variety.

  • Ardis E. Parshall “You Have Been Listening to the Mormon Elders in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 14 June 1931”– How have Mormon missionary approaches changed in the last eighty years? This fascinating slice in time shows when missionaries begin proselyting over the radio. “For all we think of 20th century missionary work as tracting, tracting, and more tracting, the missionaries tried a number of innovations at different times and places: Organizing Primaries and Mutuals (YM/YW) to attract non-member youth and through them their parents; fielding basketball and other sports teams in local leagues; lecturing on Mormonism; entering booths in state fairs and international expositions. One tool, when a mission had the talent, was to produce regular live radio broadcasts, either as part of a local station’s regular religious programming, or by purchasing air time.”
  • Your LDS Radio Does a missionary in your life need a pick me up? This might just do the trick.
  • Kelsey Berteaux “5 Things to Know About the Church in Haiti”– How is the Church growing and developing in this largely Catholic Caribbean nation? “’I had a very good experience that benefited me,’ says Haiti native Dieudonne Martial, speaking of the earthquake. ‘With this earthquake, I was reminded that material things take second place. In the matter of a few seconds, the material possessions could disappear. That helped me to become more compassionate.’”
  • R. Scott Lloyd “Bishop Gérald Caussé Shares Message on the Restoration-What is it like to preside over an MTC or visitor center? This is one example of the kind of training these leaders receive. “While the Church shares values with other Christians—such as a high regard for the family and caring for the poor and the needy—it has doctrines that are incompatible with other faiths, Bishop Gérald Caussé said.”
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