Missionary Beat: November 13, 2013

Around the web today for stories of interest to future missionaries, missionary moms, returned missionaries, member missionaries, and missionaries of every sort and variety.

  • Billy Hesterman “Missionaries Clung to Roof During Typhoon in Philippines”– This story accounts how one group of missionaries survived in one of the most heavily hit areas of the typhoon. “One of the sister missionaries went to the laundry room and was able to knock out a skylight so the group could climb out onto the roof”

  • Nebi Qena “Kosovo police arrest 6 terror suspects”-The men suspected of attacking two missionaries in Pristina, Kosovo have been detained. For an interesting look at the complicated religious landscape in Kosovo, you can read this profile from last year.

  • Jeff Benedict “Mormon faith more important to Jabari Parker than NBA stardom”-The choice to serve a mission is a difficult one for anyone to make. Jabari Parker who Sports Illustrated described as “the best high school basketball player since Lebron James” is facing that decision himself. “Eyes might be on him most of all at the end of his freshman year in college, when he has to decide whether he will declare for the NBA draft or — like thousands of other Mormon men who turn 19 — embark on a two-year mission to spread the faith”

  • Jill U. Adams “Comfort shoes aren’t necessarily good for you”– Few pre-mission decisions are as important as what shoes to buy. This article cautions you from making the mistake that all “comfort shoes” are created equal. “Are comfort shoes always more healthful? Not necessarily, according to some foot doctors.”

  • Nicole Shepard “Coming Home Early”-Continuing this look at missionaries who have come home, the student paper at UVU, the university which published the early returned missionary study, profiles a young man who returned early for health reasons. “Polanski thought that if more people knew why he had decided to end his mission early, they might be more sympathetic.”

  • Carey Lodge “Prayer vigil against religious discrimination in India”-Release International advocated this week for increased religious freedom in India, which could increase missionary efforts in the country. Currently conversions must be approved by local governments. “Release argues that the laws are undermining the religious freedom guaranteed under India’s constitution and it is calling on the government to restore the rights of Indian citizens.”

  • mormonwomen “Missionary Work=Missionary Fun”– A great list of fun and easy suggestions on how to share the gospel. “I believe that God wants all of His children to at least have the chance to hear the gospel. The internet makes that a lot easier, but we can also do things in our day-to-day lives.”

I hope everyone enjoys the Missionary Beat. If it’s a big hit, we should be back with more in a few weeks.

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