Missionary Beat: November 29, 2013

Around the web today for stories of interest to future missionaries, missionary moms, returned missionaries, member missionaries, and missionaries of every sort and variety.

  • Jared “Noted Mormon Writer, S. Michael Wilcox’s Struggle to Gain a Testimony of The Book of Mormon– This story relates one powerful and soul wrenching experience of gaining a testimony. “I heard these words: ‘Bear testimony that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God–and that the Book of Mormon is true.’ Why did I not receive those words when I was fourteen, or in seminary, or at BYU? Why then? I do not know.”

  • Mark Albright “The Conversion of an Anti-Mormon”– A second conversion experience for today. ” I thought to myself, ‘For a church that’s not supposed to be Christian, they sure are spending a lot of time talking about Christ.’  A verse kept coming into my head, ‘By their fruits, ye shall know them.’  If I was wrong about this major aspect of the Mormon Church, was it possible that I was wrong about other things I had heard as well?”
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