Mormon Missionary Beat: Thanksgiving Edition
By Christopher Cunningham
Around the web today for stories of interest to future missionaries, missionary moms, returned missionaries, member missionaries, and missionaries of every sort and variety.
Thanksgiving can be an opportunity to share our faith by the ways we find to express gratitude. Here are some things you can share to celebrate Thanksgiving:
Marjorie Cortez “Muslim benefactor will match contributions to Mormon church’s typhoon relief”– We can express gratitude for this man’s tremendous generosity “An anonymous donor in Utah’s Islamic community will match donations up to $100,000 for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ typhoon relief efforts in the Philippines”
Abby Stevens “Mormon bishop disguises himself as homeless man to teach congregation about compassion” – Or how about sharing this story about how a bishop helped his ward learn to not judge others through example. “One gentlemen that asked me to leave the property felt horrible (afterward), and it would be easy to judge him. But one year before that time his granddaughter had come to his church … and helped an old man get into his car, and he stole her purse and drove off.”
Mormon Tabernacle Choir “For the Beauty of the Earth” – You could also share this beautiful hymn of gratitude.
Lynda Layne “Food and fellowship served at LDS Thanksgiving dinner last Friday evening” -We can be inspired by this California ward’s generosity. The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints (LDS) hosted a heartfelt holiday gift to the community on Nov. 15. . . . The real gift might have been the spirit in which they were offered.”
Arie Van De Graff “Mission Daze: Thanksgiving” – And we can all be grateful we aren’t having the thanksgiving these two are.
Laurie Johnson “Thanksgiving Missionary Care Package” – And here are some ideas for Thanksgiving packages that can be sent to missionaries currently serving.
Carolyn Allen “Five Healthy Gifts for Thanksgiving” – And finally this list of ideas, perfect for any budget, has healthy ideas for both body and soul. “Bob will slip over and just check out a big old stack from the children’s section. Each night we’ll read one or two in bed before we go to sleep. The great skill of the writers, gifted artists and beautiful publishing have provided more laughs and holiday closeness than you can imagine.”
Happy Thanksgiving