Mormon MissionariesSometimes we just need to remember–remember to put what we desire to do in the front of our minds. Like sharing the gospel. At the end of the day, what really matters? That we were nice, honest, good to our children, friends and co-workers, and that we opened our mouth and shared our beliefs in the Savior’s goodness with someone. It matters that we served by sharing what we know and have with the world who desperately needs it.

You and I can do this. It take missionaries an average of over 10 visits to obtain one member referral. As Elder Bednar has reminded us, it’s our job to find them. The future of finding is on the Internet.

I think of the apostles of old, leaving their nets behind, to become disciples and fishers of men. Today, I believe the equivalent of the gospel net is the Internet. It is the tool for the gathering of the Lord’s people from all over the globe.

You-Tube and Facebook are taking over the world as venues for communicating with others everywhere. Are you aware that every time you comment on a positive You-Tube video, you are having an influence for good? Those You-Tube videos then move up in the search engine and are more accessible to those googling “Mormon Beliefs.”

A recent video posted on You-Tube, “Mormon Beliefs: Mormons Believe God Speaks” received 2500 comments after one month–one of the most highly commented-on videos of You-Tube.

Another recently posted video on the “Mormon conspiracy” has had 25,000 views in one week.

That means that by commenting on positive LDS videos, those who are looking for information about Mormons have a greater likelihood of finding something positive on You-Tube. Your comment and your friends’ can make a real difference.

Why not pass this information along to your friends and begin commenting today. For instructions on how to rate and comment on You-Tube videos,.please visit add link …..

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